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Cross-platform VAS applications including mobile apps.

What is DCU TECH Content Management System (CMS)?

What is in it for digital marketing agencies?

What is in it for Value Added Service (VAS) providers?


DCU TECH provides, cross-platform applications, Value Added Services (VAS) for mobile operators which includes deployment to metaverse environments. DCU TECH is currently conducting R&D on ubiquitous, intelligent Content Management and Delivery Systems (CMS) for digital marketing agencies via cloud or with on premise deployment. DCU TECH is currently developing its content management platform inside 9 Eylül University campus in Izmir. DCU TECH is mainly focusing on Telecom and Digital Marketing sectors.

  • Vision

  • Missions

  • Goals

DCU TECH provides, cross-platform applications, Value Added Services (VAS) for mobile operators which includes deployment to metaverse environments


DCU TECH is currently providing cross-platform VAS applications embedded with end to end content provision infrastructure. These apps are specifically targeted towards mobile operators and digital marketing agencies. DCU TECH aims to provide orchestration for combined experience. This platform includes: .

  1. Standalone applications (IOS, ANDROID, HTML5, METAVERSE)
  2. Mobile operator VAS services
  3. End to end, secure, hassle-free content provision
  4. With text-mining, scheduling, reduction and delivery engines

CMS includes;

  1. Multiple channel content entry from content providers
  2. Content analysis platform
  3. o Algorithmic Language Inspection (ALI)
    o Text-mining
    o Semantic analysis
    o Content meaning stability with time interval constraints
  4. Content scheduling
  5. Segment analysis
  6. Segment and output decision support system
  7. Simple step by step flow
  8. Extensive learning material for each individual section

Robust, multi-channel connection to a single content creation, management and delivery platform without a need for a development company or any technical expertise.

With DMS digital marketing agencies can enter, archive, run AI supported analytic tools, can deploy control and semantic analysis consistency checks digitally. Repetitions, consistency checks throughout time intervals can be conducted, semantics can be analyzed, and automatic suggestions can be set with commissioning extensive and flexible tagging platform.

First thing is first, you will have an automated platform for scheduling information services through multiple channels. Scheduling templates for subscriber services (for instance customer engagement services, employee engagement services, horoscope, news, sports news, TV programs, etc)

Starting from multiple channel content providers’ entry, content analysis platform (with Algorithmic Language Inspection (ALI)), and service providers can enter their contents from every location and devices of their own. Since operations are going to be running on cloud, analysis, scheduling, distribution channels can easily be managed and orchestrated. Furthermore, templates can be utilized from previous services to create new content services. SLA’s can be set easily for sales teams, content providers, redactors, confirmation and commissioning officers.

Vision Statement

DCU TECH working towards uniting all digital communications channels, media to provide unsurpassed experience to its customers and partners.

Mission Statement

DCU TECH endeavors to establish a ubiquitous, united communication systems all around the world to provide superior information, and VAS applications to its customers employing state of the art technologies.

Establishing end to end 360 degrees covered services to people all around the world. Our goals and guidelines are summarized below:

  • Establishing AI driven zero tolerance content creation environment
  • Delivering information where, where and how it’s needed
  • Flawlessly, combining all communication channels transparent to its users